a month agoStudentendemonstraties en stakingen in Algerije uit protest tegen intensieve studieprogramma's
4 months agoHet Franse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken actualiseert onmiddellijk zijn kaart van Marokko, waarbij de Westelijke Sahara binnen de grenzen van het land is opgenomen
4 months agoMacron zegt in een toespraak in het Marokkaanse parlement dat het betwiste gebied van de Westelijke Sahara toebehoort aan Marokko: "Het heden en de toekomst van deze regio [Westelijke Sahara] maken deel uit van de Marokkaanse soevereiniteit"
4 months agoLijst van BRICS-partnerlanden aangekondigd: Algerije; Wit-Rusland; Bolivia; Cuba; Indonesië; Kazachsta; Maleisië; Nigeria; Thailand; Turkiye; Oeganda; Oezbekistan; Vietnam
5 months agoAlgerije: Een terrorist geeft zich over in Bordj Badji Mokhtar (grens met Mali) en 17 personen die terroristische groeperingen steunen, zijn gearresteerd tussen 25 september en 1 oktober
5 months agoAlgerijnse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: Wij benadrukken het voorkomen van buitenlandse inmenging in Libië
5 months agoTinzaouatene: Leger richt zich op laatste CSP/JNIM bolwerk aan Algerijnse grens. De Malinese strijdkrachten lanceerden op 30 september een offensief tegen CSP/JNIM terroristische groeperingen. Het doel van deze operatie is om de controle over Tinzaouatene terug te krijgen, de laatste stad aan de Algerijnse grens die nog steeds onder terroristische bezetting staat. Deze nieuwe fase in de strijd tegen terrorisme in Mali markeert een intensivering van de inspanningen om grensgebieden te beveiligen
5 months agoAir Algérie schort vluchten naar Bamako op
5 months agoAlgerijns presidentschap: premier dient ontslag in bij regering, Tebboune beveelt hem besluit uit te stellen
5 months agoAlgerijns Constitutioneel Hof: Opkomst bij presidentsverkiezingen bereikt 46,10%
5 months agoAlgerian Election Commission: Preliminary results show President Tebboune wins second term
5 months agoBallot boxes open in Algeria's presidential election
6 months agoAlgeria orders its armed forces to shoot anything that moves on its borders with Mali
6 months agoDe Azawad-beweging zegt dat ze geen hulp hebben ontvangen van Oekraïne of buitenlanders. "We kunnen duidelijk zeggen dat we geen hulp van buitenaf hebben ontvangen voor de gevechten bij Tinzaouaten", aldus Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadan van de CSP-PSD.
6 months agoThe Ministry of Defense arrested 77 drug dealers and thwarted attempts to bring approximately 11 quintals of processed cannabis across the border with Morocco. It seized 3.88 kilograms of cocaine and 1,571,623 hallucinogenic tablets in a weekly tally. The Ministry of Defense arrested 77 drug dealers and thwarted attempts to smuggle nearly 11 quintals of processed cannabis. Across the border with Morocconn 3.88 kg of cocaine and 1,571,623 hallucinogenic tablets seized in weekly tally
7 months agoMali JNIM AQIM regarding the Tinzawaten strikes, once again points the finger at Turkey "the Erdogan government with its ministries of foreign affairs and defense" regarding the aid and assistance granted to the juntas through the sales of drones and munitions
7 months agoAlgeria withdraws its ambassador from France in protest against Paris's recognition of Morocco's plan regarding the Sahara
7 months agoFrance recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over the "Sahara" as the sole basis for reaching a political solution to the issue
7 months agoOver 80 PMC Wagner fighters were killed in Tin Zaouatine, Mali. Also Mi-24 helicopter of the group was shot down
7 months agoImage of the armored vehicles left by the Russian mercenaries (Wagner) after their escape to Tinzaouaten
7 months agoAlgerian envoy to the Security Council: Israel obstructs the arrival of humanitarian aid to Gaza
7 months agoThe frigate of the Russian Navy Admiral Gorshkov arrived on a business call to the Algerian port of Oran
7 months agoAlgeria denounces France decision to recognize the autonomy plan for the Western Sahara - statement from Algerian government
8 months agoDe Russische ambassadeur in Algerije Valerian Shuvaev is overleden, zo meldt het Russische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
10 months agoPresident Erdoğan talked on the phone with Algerian President Tebbun
a year agoInternational Monetary Fund: Estimates indicate that the Algerian economy will grow by 4.2% in 2023
a year agoThe Algerian envoy to the United Nations: Voting against the draft resolution means approving starvation as a method of war
a year agoThe UN Security Council holds closed consultations today at the request of Algeria to discuss the situation in Rafah
a year agoOfficial media: A military helicopter crashed in Algeria and its three crew members were killed
a year agoUNSC confirms Mauritania & Bahrain & Algeria sent letters to the Security Council on the 9th of January regarding the violation Somalia’s Sovereignty. “On 9 January, Mauritania, in its capacity as Chair of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), sent a letter to the Council, which stressed the need to respect Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and to safeguard security, peace, and stability in the region. On 12 January, Bahrain, Chair of the Group of Arab States at the UN, also sent a letter to the Council (S/2024/57) conveying the position of the League of Arab States (LAS) on the matter. The LAS rejected the MoU and stated that such actions “violate international law and jeopardise the overall territorial integrity of the Somali state”