7 Juli 2024
De Russische ambassadeur in Algerije Valerian Shuvaev is overleden, zo meldt het Russische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
2 maand geleden
President Erdoğan talked on the phone with Algerian President Tebbun
International Monetary Fund: Estimates indicate that the Algerian economy will grow by 4.2% in 2023
4 maand geleden
The Algerian envoy to the United Nations: Voting against the draft resolution means approving starvation as a method of war
4 maand geleden
The UN Security Council holds closed consultations today at the request of Algeria to discuss the situation in Rafah
Official media: A military helicopter crashed in Algeria and its three crew members were killed
5 maand geleden
UNSC confirms Mauritania & Bahrain & Algeria sent letters to the Security Council on the 9th of January regarding the violation Somalia’s Sovereignty. “On 9 January, Mauritania, in its capacity as Chair of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), sent a letter to the Council, which stressed the need to respect Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and to safeguard security, peace, and stability in the region. On 12 January, Bahrain, Chair of the Group of Arab States at the UN, also sent a letter to the Council (S/2024/57) conveying the position of the League of Arab States (LAS) on the matter. The LAS rejected the MoU and stated that such actions “violate international law and jeopardise the overall territorial integrity of the Somali state”
The Algerian President calls on the International Criminal Court to file a case against Israel
Treasury imposes sanctions on 10 Hamas members and financial facilitators in Gaza and elsewhere including Sudan, Turkey, Algeria and Qatar
9 maand geleden
Another Video- Massive wildfire broke out in Béjaia of Kabylia, Algeria
9 maand geleden
Massive wildfire broke out in Béjaia of Kabylia, Algeria
10 maand geleden
Morocco has just accepted the Algerian earthquake aid offer according to Moroccan Justice Minister, per Al Arabiya
Algeria refuses French request to fly over its airspace for military operation in Niger
11 maand geleden
Russian Defense Minister during his meeting with his Algerian counterpart: We are ready to help improve the combat capabilities of the Algerian army
1 jaar geleden
De president van Algerije noemt Poetin "een vriend van de hele mensheid" en stelde zijn bemiddeling voor om vrede in Oekraïne te bereiken
1 jaar geleden
Putin receives Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune
Assad's foreign minister, Faisal Mekdad, arrives in Algeria on an official visit
The Algerian presidency says that the Algerian president received a call from the head of the Syrian government, Bashar al-Assad
1 jaar geleden
Commando units of the Armies of Algeria and Russia have undertaken on Wednesday the first joint military maneuvers of both countries
1 jaar geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 22 km NE of Berrouaghia, Algeria
The final statement of the Algiers Summit: The Arab countries play a collective leadership role to contribute to efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis
Algeria summit statement: We hope that the new Iraqi government will bring stability to the Iraqi people
Elysee: Macron and Tebboune sign a French-Algerian partnership agreement on Saturday
1 jaar geleden
Gas supply from Algeria to Spain suspended due to a breakdown
Algeria arrested former Tunisia's intel. chief Lazhar Loungou and extradited him to Tunisian authorities. Loungou is opposed to president Saied and will be prosecuted for terrorism-related charges1 jaar geleden
Algeria arrested former Tunisia's intel. chief Lazhar Loungou and extradited him to Tunisian authorities. Loungou is opposed to president Saied and will be prosecuted for terrorism-related charges
Brics online forum2 jaar geleden
Brics online forum
The Algerian president dismisses the Minister of Finance, Abderrahmane Rawiya
2 jaar geleden
The European Union: We are assessing the implications of Algeria's actions on Spain
Tunisia: the foreign ministers of Algeria & Libya are visiting the country on Friday for consultations on "inclusive & solidarity development, combating terrorism, addressing organised crime & the food & energy security imposed by current context," said @MfaTunisia. TAP_En
2 jaar geleden
Spanish-European talks in Brussels on the Madrid crisis with Algeria