21 Fevereiro 2025
O Ministério das Relações Exteriores francês atualiza imediatamente seu mapa sobre Marrocos, que inclui o Saara Ocidental dentro das fronteiras do país
Macron diz que território disputado do Saara Ocidental pertence a Marrocos em discurso no Parlamento marroquino "O presente e o futuro desta região [Saara Ocidental] fazem parte da soberania marroquina"
4 mês atrás
Lista de países parceiros do BRICS anunciada: Argélia; Bielorrússia; Bolívia; Cuba; Indonésia; Cazaquistão; Malásia; Nigéria; Tailândia; Turquia; Uganda; Uzbequistão; Vietnã
4 mês atrás
Argélia: Um terrorista rende-se em Bordj Badji Mokhtar (fronteira com o Mali) e 17 indivíduos que apoiavam grupos terroristas foram presos entre 25 de setembro e 1 de outubro
Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Argélia: Salientamos a prevenção da interferência estrangeira na Líbia
4 mês atrás
Tinzaouatene: Exército tem como alvo último reduto do CSP/JNIM na fronteira com a Argélia. As forças armadas do Mali lançaram uma ofensiva em 30 de setembro contra os grupos terroristas do CSP/JNIM. O objetivo desta operação é retomar o controle de Tinzaouatene, a última cidade na fronteira com a Argélia ainda sob ocupação terrorista. Esta nova fase da luta contra o terrorismo no Mali marca uma intensificação dos esforços para proteger as áreas de fronteira
Air Algérie suspende voos para Bamako
5 mês atrás
Presidência argelina: Primeiro-ministro apresenta demissão do governo, Tebboune ordena que adie decisão
Tribunal Constitucional da Argélia: A participação nas eleições presidenciais atingiu 46,10%
Comissão Eleitoral da Argélia: Resultados preliminares mostram que o presidente Tebboune venceu o segundo mandato
Ballot boxes open in Algeria's presidential election
5 mês atrás
Algeria orders its armed forces to shoot anything that moves on its borders with Mali
6 mês atrás
O movimento Azawad diz que não recebeu ajuda da Ucrânia nem de estrangeiros "Podemos dizer claramente que não recebemos ajuda externa para os combates em Tinzaouaten", disse Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadan, do CSP-PSD.
6 mês atrás
The Ministry of Defense arrested 77 drug dealers and thwarted attempts to bring approximately 11 quintals of processed cannabis across the border with Morocco. It seized 3.88 kilograms of cocaine and 1,571,623 hallucinogenic tablets in a weekly tally. The Ministry of Defense arrested 77 drug dealers and thwarted attempts to smuggle nearly 11 quintals of processed cannabis. Across the border with Morocconn 3.88 kg of cocaine and 1,571,623 hallucinogenic tablets seized in weekly tally
Mali JNIM AQIM regarding the Tinzawaten strikes, once again points the finger at Turkey the Erdogan government with its ministries of foreign affairs and defense regarding the aid and assistance granted to the juntas through the sales of drones and munitions6 mês atrás
Mali JNIM AQIM regarding the Tinzawaten strikes, once again points the finger at Turkey "the Erdogan government with its ministries of foreign affairs and defense" regarding the aid and assistance granted to the juntas through the sales of drones and munitions
Algeria withdraws its ambassador from France in protest against Paris's recognition of Morocco's plan regarding the Sahara
France recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over the "Sahara" as the sole basis for reaching a political solution to the issue
6 mês atrás
Over 80 PMC Wagner fighters were killed in Tin Zaouatine, Mali. Also Mi-24 helicopter of the group was shot down
Image of the armored vehicles left by the Russian mercenaries (Wagner) after their escape to Tinzaouaten6 mês atrás
Image of the armored vehicles left by the Russian mercenaries (Wagner) after their escape to Tinzaouaten
7 mês atrás
Algerian envoy to the Security Council: Israel obstructs the arrival of humanitarian aid to Gaza
The frigate of the Russian Navy Admiral Gorshkov arrived on a business call to the Algerian port of Oran
Algeria denounces France decision to recognize the autonomy plan for the Western Sahara - statement from Algerian government
O embaixador russo na Argélia, Valerian Shuvaev, morreu, - informou o Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Rússia
10 mês atrás
President Erdoğan talked on the phone with Algerian President Tebbun
International Monetary Fund: Estimates indicate that the Algerian economy will grow by 4.2% in 2023
1 year atrás
The Algerian envoy to the United Nations: Voting against the draft resolution means approving starvation as a method of war
1 year atrás
The UN Security Council holds closed consultations today at the request of Algeria to discuss the situation in Rafah
Official media: A military helicopter crashed in Algeria and its three crew members were killed
1 year atrás
UNSC confirms Mauritania & Bahrain & Algeria sent letters to the Security Council on the 9th of January regarding the violation Somalia’s Sovereignty. “On 9 January, Mauritania, in its capacity as Chair of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), sent a letter to the Council, which stressed the need to respect Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and to safeguard security, peace, and stability in the region. On 12 January, Bahrain, Chair of the Group of Arab States at the UN, also sent a letter to the Council (S/2024/57) conveying the position of the League of Arab States (LAS) on the matter. The LAS rejected the MoU and stated that such actions “violate international law and jeopardise the overall territorial integrity of the Somali state”
The Algerian President calls on the International Criminal Court to file a case against Israel