5 Juillet 2024
The Algerian President calls on the International Criminal Court to file a case against Israel
Treasury imposes sanctions on 10 Hamas members and financial facilitators in Gaza and elsewhere including Sudan, Turkey, Algeria and Qatar
9 mois il y a
Another Video- Massive wildfire broke out in Béjaia of Kabylia, Algeria
9 mois il y a
Massive wildfire broke out in Béjaia of Kabylia, Algeria
9 mois il y a
Morocco has just accepted the Algerian earthquake aid offer according to Moroccan Justice Minister, per Al Arabiya
Algeria refuses French request to fly over its airspace for military operation in Niger
11 mois il y a
Russian Defense Minister during his meeting with his Algerian counterpart: We are ready to help improve the combat capabilities of the Algerian army
1 année il y a
Le président algérien nomme Poutine "l'ami de toute l'humanité", propose sa médiation pour parvenir à la paix en Ukraine
1 année il y a
Putin receives Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune
Assad's foreign minister, Faisal Mekdad, arrives in Algeria on an official visit
The Algerian presidency says that the Algerian president received a call from the head of the Syrian government, Bashar al-Assad
1 année il y a
Commando units of the Armies of Algeria and Russia have undertaken on Wednesday the first joint military maneuvers of both countries
1 année il y a
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 22 km NE of Berrouaghia, Algeria
The final statement of the Algiers Summit: The Arab countries play a collective leadership role to contribute to efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis
Algeria summit statement: We hope that the new Iraqi government will bring stability to the Iraqi people
Elysee: Macron and Tebboune sign a French-Algerian partnership agreement on Saturday
1 année il y a
Gas supply from Algeria to Spain suspended due to a breakdown
Algeria arrested former Tunisia's intel. chief Lazhar Loungou and extradited him to Tunisian authorities. Loungou is opposed to president Saied and will be prosecuted for terrorism-related charges1 année il y a
Algeria arrested former Tunisia's intel. chief Lazhar Loungou and extradited him to Tunisian authorities. Loungou is opposed to president Saied and will be prosecuted for terrorism-related charges
Forum en ligne Brics2 année il y a
Forum en ligne Brics
The Algerian president dismisses the Minister of Finance, Abderrahmane Rawiya
2 année il y a
The European Union: We are assessing the implications of Algeria's actions on Spain
Tunisia: the foreign ministers of Algeria & Libya are visiting the country on Friday for consultations on "inclusive & solidarity development, combating terrorism, addressing organised crime & the food & energy security imposed by current context," said @MfaTunisia. TAP_En
2 année il y a
Spanish-European talks in Brussels on the Madrid crisis with Algeria
An Algerian court sentences the brother of the late President Bouteflika to 8 years in prison in a case of covert financing of an electoral campaign
Sergei Lavrov leaving Algiers Algeria
Algeria has threatened to cut off natural gas supplies to Spain if the latter transfers the gas to a third party, according to APS
Algeria- ANP killed a militant near Djebel Louh, Ain Defla Province and recovered an AK with 3 mags
Le président algérien Tebboune a reçu un appel téléphonique de son homologue russe, Poutine. Les discussions ont porté sur un aperçu des relations algéro-russes, les préparatifs des prochaines visites de haut niveau et les développements internationaux, notamment en Ukraine et en Palestine.
The head of Libya's Government of National Unity Abdulhamid al-Dbeibah and several other top officials, arrives in Algeria With a Heavy Agenda
PHOTOS. Foule immense pour l'enterrement des victimes de l'explosion de gaz à Bordj Bou Arreridj (Source : Facebook - الحماية المدنية برج بوعريريج)2 année il y a
PHOTOS. Foule immense pour l'enterrement des victimes de l'explosion de gaz à Bordj Bou Arreridj (Source : Facebook - الحماية المدنية برج بوعريريج)